i made new future scenario, based on wtibs 1.2, with few modifications, also borowed immortals tactics
, and some ideas from elrads scenario
www.freewebs.com/playerxxcc/newfuture1.90reducedres.biqwww.freewebs.com/playerxxcc/newfuture1.90reducedres-cccmode.biqthere is thread i made some time back, about what wonder each civ needs for ga, but obviously no1 use it, i post link also here:
civ3players.proboards70.com/index.cgi?board=Scenarios&action=display&thread=1170680881List of chenges 1.90:
-demo pay for units (as all other goverments)
-rep and demo dont pay for building mantainace
-barracs, airport, harbor, military academy, gives u +10% defense each, cumulative
-sam site +5% defense
-librabry give 2 contenet
List of changes in 1.81:
-sugar +1 food
-rubber +1 shild
-gold shield ratio 1:4, it used to be 1:3
-republic vorruption lvl: same as monarchy (dunno what name is)
List of changes in 1.77:
new size avialable:
if u choose
large map, map is not large but small 70x70!!!if u choose
huge map, map is not huge but medium 90x90!!!goverments- demo is back as it used to be
-demo as it was
-communism, lower suport, t4 c7 m10, mil police 4
-rep, little more support for units in bigger cities, t0 c2 m3
-fasc, same
units-only naval units changed, ships get +1hp(except carrier and galleon), bigger ships got some boost, rest is same:
-battleship, 20(2*12).14.6, bombard range 5(+1), +1hp bonus, kill units
-agis, 16(2*10).12.7, bombard range 3, kill units, carry 1 tactical misile
all building taht used to be rep buildings, r now avialable too all gov, except wall street sm. wonder, it can be built only under demo.
List of chnges in 1.76:
cous standard map is too big for 3v3 and small little to tight, i made new size,
small(80x80) same as it was, usefull for 2v2,
u need to pick tiny map insetup roommedium(90x90), new size, usefull for 3v3 games, can be played 4v4 as well,
u need to pick small map in setup roomstandard(98x98) same as it was
if u want to play small pick tiny map, if u want to play medium pick small, standard is tandard
.... thought taht those names would be same in setup room, when u pick... but obviously they aint
due to complaints taht rep too strong(and it realy was) i lowered its power a bit:
-forced settlement (same as fasc, if +2 citizen dies when oout of anarchy)
-no military police
-no free support for units
-spies r regular
-spies elite
-spies veteran
-subcruise cost 35
-conquistador cost 25(as other knights)
list of changes in 1.76:
u can build armies now
units:-scout 0.0.3, ignore all terain
-king 0.3.2, defence lowered
-knight(and all its variations), cost lowered, rest same, 50(25)
-cavalery(and all its variations), cost lowered, 68(34)
-elephant, 4.3.2, ingnore jungle, forest, 50(25), requires ivory, uu of india, starts GA
-berserker 50(25)
-tactical nuke, uran only
-n sub can carry 3 now
-army, 120(60)
buildings: all buildings now gives u small amount of defense(cumulatie with all), level 1 buildings +5%, level 2 buildings +8%, level 3 +10%, sm. wonders +10%, gr. wonders 15%, for example factory is lvl1, nuclear, coal hydro is lvl2, manu lvl3
i fixed commercial bug(commercial trait didnt lowered price for commercial building even though it was checked in editor), by adding new buildings. those r c. market, c. bank, c stockexchange, c. commercial dock
-c. bank 60(30), +50% taxes, rep only
-bank 80(40), +50% taxes, rep only
-c. stock exchange 100(50), +50% taxes, +50% lux, rep only
-stock exchange 140(70), +50% taxes, +50% lux, rep only
-temple, 2 happy faces
-c. wall street=wallstreet, same, can be built only in republic
wonders: all wonders except pyr and manhaten alowes city grow 12+
-mausoleum, only sea sci again,
ga for byz only, persia nad cartg had too easy ga
-newton, 400(200), ind sci com, GA for persia, france, grece
-sistine chapel, 400(200), reli com sea, every city gain chatedral, GA for england, india, spain
-copernicus, 400(200), mil exp sci, GA for zulu, mongol, germany, rusia
-leonardo, 400(200), cheaper
-j. bach, 400(200), reli sci, every city gets temple and 1 happy face, city were its built 2 happy, GA for baby
-smith trading co., 400(200), exp reli sea, +1 seamovement, free trade impruvemnts, ga for india, spain, porto, arabs
-seti=theory of evolution, 1200(600) +2 tech
-manhaten, 500(250), no more free tactical nukes
-hoover dam, 600(300), ind agr, every city gets solar plant, ga for maya
-magelan, 400(200), ind exp sea com, destroyer/5t, ga for
cartg, usa, france, porto, england
-cure for cancer, 200, com agri sci, ga grece, sumer iroq korea
sm wonders:-forbidden palace, 120(60), 2nd palace, alowes 7+, but u need some number of cities...
-palace is much cheaper, so if u get screwed with p.enisula and u pop some nice and no1 there, umight conseeder to move palace...
-inteligence agency, 120(60), incerase apearence of mil leader
-military academy, 120(60), alowes army
-batelfield medicine, 200(100), alowes city 12+, alowes 4 unit army, increas army attack/defense +25%, units heal in enemy land
goverments:-fasc, spies reg
-communism, spies veteran
-rep, worker 150%, spies elite
-demo sux...
thats all...
any coments, suggestions, critics.... r wellcome