Post by CanuckSoldier on Mar 24, 2004 17:57:28 GMT -5
So Dohr you are a Wheel of Time Fan?? I just finished reading New Spring.
Post by TheDohr on Mar 24, 2004 18:13:45 GMT -5
"New Spring"? is that the next one after "crossroads of twilight"?
brb, off to run to the bookstore ;D
Post by CanuckSoldier on Mar 24, 2004 21:44:24 GMT -5
It's a pre-quil, looks at when Lan and Moraine and Suane Sanche first all met. About 20 years before the start of the first book.
Post by Srayman on Mar 26, 2004 22:39:41 GMT -5
Hehe yeah dohr better do something about those pics, can't even see them properly. The people in the space forum won't be the only one's trying to kill you
Post by dunedain on Apr 2, 2004 10:25:13 GMT -5
LOL Every day seems to be halloween at the dohr homestead. Dune
Post by TheDohr on Apr 2, 2004 12:23:51 GMT -5
it's just that I have no 'ordinary' pics
Post by zerza on Apr 2, 2004 19:19:36 GMT -5
A prequil for the Wheel of Time?? WTF, did they ever wrap up the end of it yet? Thats all i've been waiting for for years now,, book after book.. After 6 it really went down hill in quality tho, he just started throwing the books out. I've been half way through 10 (crossroads of twilight) for months,, to scared to finish due to the dissapointment Ill know I will have when I find out that d**n dragon reborn still hasn't had his meeting with the dark one BTW, for the fans ::: RED EAGLE ENTERTAINMENT TO BRING THE STORYTELLING MAGIC OF ROBERT JORDAN’S WHEEL OF TIME™ TO FILM AUDIENCES WORLDWIDE Rest of info found at www.tor.com/jordan/media.htmlO, and what kid would be complete without the plush trolloc doll Toy Vault, Inc. has a plush Trolloc doll coming in December 2003 (http://www.toyvault.com/wheeloftime/index.html
Post by zzZhenon on Apr 4, 2004 22:43:02 GMT -5
George R R Martin's next book is due out this month: Feast for Crows . If you like Wheel of Time, you should read this series... much much better and the author is leading the reader to an actual conclusion! Yay conclusions! Don't get me wrong, I like Wheel of Time, but it sure is starting to drag... I mean, I regained interest when what's-her-name laid siege to the White Tower... but now she's been captured.... zzzzzz And I've never been big on the preludes... haven't bothered to read that mess yet...
Post by BoNeHeD on Apr 4, 2004 23:10:55 GMT -5
I stopped reading that genre after I finished the second Cronicles of Amber...anyone ever read"Chronicles of Thomas Covenant,the Unbeliever"???would be an awsum movie...
Post by CanuckSoldier on Apr 5, 2004 5:21:57 GMT -5
How the heck are they going to make a movie out of a book like Eye of the World. Something tells me it just won't live upto the book very well. The only way to come close is to make it a miniseries like they did with Shogun.
Post by Dr Shot on Apr 5, 2004 6:16:21 GMT -5
um, there are many many movies that have been made of triligies and so forth....starwars(good and bad movies even) The Matrix, etc, some are just cut for length, Kill Bill, was intended to be a single flick...some just have sequels a plenty,Jason lives, and lives.. and lives.. Bah!
Post by zerza on Apr 5, 2004 9:41:17 GMT -5
if done LOTR style, it would be great to see.. Plus half the d**n book could be severly shortened just by paraphrasing the "two rivers" part of it, that took up half the book and the adventure didn't really begin till they left for two kings. The shayul goul part would be great to see. As long as its not done in the horrible fashion of Kill Bill, great storyline, just done so horrible. As u can tell, I think Quentin Tarantino is about the worst director out, cheesy special effects, horrible conclusions even if a sequel is due, and if I gotta sit through another movie of fake blood spewing out every 2 minutes it wont be worth the storyline even.. My god that looked lame. "those of you alive,, leave now, but your limbs belong to me" shshsshshhhshsquelch ,,, cmon, it had all the content of a poorly made 80's movie. btw :: News About Book #11 Tor expects to publish The Wheel of Time™ book #11 in 2005. As soon as we have more information about this much-anticipated next book in the series, we will send out another communication. Thanks for your patience In an interview, RJ says he plans to write 2 more Prequils, and hopes to have the main sequence books wrapped up at a total of 12 (2 more) tho he says if he cant get it to lead up to the last scene just right there maybe a total of 13. He also says hes had the "last scene" written for 20 years now and is just finding the best way to lead up to it. a1110.g.akamai.net/7/1110/5507/v001/bookstream.download.akamai.com/5507/bw/bs/0765306298/default.htm?click the bookwrap icon to start interviews with jordan.
Post by CanuckSoldier on Apr 5, 2004 21:51:05 GMT -5
Well I suppose if they make it a 3-3.5 hour movie like LOTR's and have a good screenwriter and director they might pull of all the character developement and the plot at the same time, but I betcha that alot of sub-plots and minor characters get the axe. Hope they do a good job though. Anyone ever read the Lords of Discipline and then watch the terrible movie they made out of it?
Post by CanuckSoldier on Apr 11, 2004 14:52:53 GMT -5
That's great Leah, guess we'll have to wait another 3 months to see ya again :-P
Post by agntsmith on Apr 11, 2004 22:24:36 GMT -5
Yes hopefully that will put a smile on his face ;D