Post by heroray on Apr 22, 2008 0:21:49 GMT -5
We hold our national interests as a higher goal than establishing democracy anywhere.. Basically you are bunch of selfish bastards and proud of it? Good to hear you spell it out. Not that anybody didn't know already, but it's better than the usual hypocrisy we get from across the Atlantic. It seems obvious that the goal was to create instability rather than stability. Basically an adaptation of divide and conquer called "fu ck up and dispose of". The largest muslim community in the world is a democracy (Indonesia). A huge impediment to change is their Muslim faith. They basically live in the 7th century. They believe that anything invented after the death of Mohamed or not supported by the Quaran is no good. Whereas the struggle of american christians to deny simple scientific facts such as evolution is a sign of great enlightenment? bLAH BLAH BLAH, More Anti American Crap from Asholedicks.
Post by heroray on Apr 22, 2008 0:28:23 GMT -5
Well, when I was talking about Muslim countries I was meaning in the Middle East. Since you brought up evolution, answer this question for me: Why do lefties so much embrace the theory of evolution saying that it is the way of nature. That the planet and all living things simply adapt and change to some natural order. Yet, the same people insist that climate change cannot be a result of some natural order but must be caused by man? lefties embrace theory of evolution? pretty sure its not lefties, just anyone with a high school education. p.s. evolution has no "natural order" Jeffmann, Does your Mother and father believe in the Theory of Evolution or Creation? I've never met your Parents, but I'm sure they are very Educated. Do they think our family tree started with a Monkey? And why is it that the people that Believe in Evolution (Things changing) are so upset about "Global Warming" (The earth temp changeing)? I would think that the God fearing people such as myself would fear Global warming more then the "Evolutionist". How can you say that the Temp on Earth today is the "Ideal Temp"? Are you afraid of the earth "Evolving" into something Different?
Post by heroray on Apr 22, 2008 0:37:12 GMT -5
Hehe Ray...I think I heard that too. So here's my questions: We as a nation claim to believe that democracy is the best form of government, and that it is worth invading a sovereign nation to establish it (Iraq).... right? Hamas is the democratically elected leadership in Palestine. A majority of the Palestinian people decided that Hamas represents their interests..... Why has US policy been to ignore Hamas, and instead deal with the minority (non-elected) party in Palestine. How can we say with a straight face that democracy is blessed, but only if they vote in our interests? How can we at the same time support non-democratic regimes like Saudia Arabia, Pakestan under Musharrif, in which freedoms are repressed and people regularly "disappear"? If Palestine is part of Israel (one state), why aren't we supporting universal suffrage there? Why do we turn a blind eye to inherent inequalities that are, by definition, apartheid? If they are separate states, but are the Palestinians not offered autonony and sovereignty -- basic things assured by international law to soverign nations? We need to either resolve these questions, or admit the Palestinian issue is not a matter of principle, and formulate a new plan (as the one we are using is not working). I think the last thing we should be doing is ignoring them and sticking our heads in the sand. We don't have to like them to talk to them. I don't like some of my neighbors, but I know reolving problems through discussion is the best course, if you want results. Cauis, THat election where Hamas won, was not what the US had hoped for. But, It was a fair election, and I agree We should respect the land of the Palestianin State. But alas, Where is their land at? Pakastan isnt soo much an Friend, as they are an ally. There is a difference. Kinda like the USSR during WWII. They helped us for a good cause, but we were not all Touchy feely with them either. Saudi Arabia? You know the answer too that. 1) Oil 2) They pay big money to both Democates and Republicans running for office. What about CHina? We deal with them for the cheap labor and Products they import. The List goes on and on. There is a balance between "Morals" and Best Interests Economically and Politically. Do I know how to balance it? Heck no. Any why would you want to bring "Univeral Sufferage" to all the nations? Havent we all Suffered Long Enough? (Just a joke, ) Heroray
Post by jeffmann77 on Apr 22, 2008 17:29:09 GMT -5
lefties embrace theory of evolution? pretty sure its not lefties, just anyone with a high school education. p.s. evolution has no "natural order" Jeffmann, Does your Mother and father believe in the Theory of Evolution or Creation? I've never met your Parents, but I'm sure they are very Educated. Do they think our family tree started with a Monkey? And why is it that the people that Believe in Evolution (Things changing) are so upset about "Global Warming" (The earth temp changeing)? I would think that the God fearing people such as myself would fear Global warming more then the "Evolutionist". How can you say that the Temp on Earth today is the "Ideal Temp"? Are you afraid of the earth "Evolving" into something Different? you still dont seem to grasp the concept that evolution is change over an extremely long period of time. the current global warming debate is about fast changes, involving decades. Yes the earth is constantly changing in it's 4 billion year existence. But these changes take place over on a GEOLOGIC scale, meaning that they take thousands or millions of years. I don't see why you feel the need to lump these two topics together either, they are not related. Yes our family tree came from a monkey, and millions of other even simpler and less tasteful organisms. My father is a neurologist and my mother is a teacher, they are highly educated. they both accept (I say accept because this is not really a "belief" system, you either accept the truth or continue on in ingnorance) evolution and neither of them pretend to have the background to be able to say wether global warming is real or not. That is something I find curious about you, how you are so sure global warming is a left-wing conspiracy when you clearly have no foundation in any natural science whatsoever.
Post by heroray on Apr 23, 2008 16:05:15 GMT -5
I am not one to "Think" that I know it all. But, The same Group that are claiming "Global warming Scare" are the same group that spread the "Ice age is comeing" back in the late 70's. I bought into that because they were "Scientists".
I also do believe things "Evolve". But I also believe in "Creation".
So if that is Ignorance, I'll be happy in my Ignorance.
Post by heroray on Apr 23, 2008 16:06:26 GMT -5
ps, Whip I grew up in Middlefield Ohio. Its home too the 3rd Largest Amish Community in the world. They dont weave baskets, But they do make good cheese.
Post by heroray on Apr 23, 2008 16:07:41 GMT -5
Post by jeffmann77 on Apr 25, 2008 15:38:54 GMT -5
I still love you ray
hit me up if theres ever a good game and i will come on
Post by jecyll on Apr 25, 2008 18:26:22 GMT -5
yeah. when isreal is gone it will be a more peacefull world.
Post by whiplash on Apr 25, 2008 19:39:31 GMT -5
yeah. when isreal is gone it will be a more peacefull world. Sure, let's sacrifice 9 million people to make the Muslims happy. That will go a long way toward world peace.
Post by whiplash on May 27, 2008 14:00:50 GMT -5
Can anybody shut Jimmy Carter up? He now reveals that Israel has 150 nukes.
Post by Gracchus on May 27, 2008 16:16:22 GMT -5
Holy treason, batman!
There are 7 known nuclear powers: USA, Russia, China, UK, France, Pakistan, Israel, and India. Of these Israel is the only one with an "opaque" policy regarding their arsenal.
If the purpose of these weapons is detente, I find their secrecy strange. Of these nuclear powers, only Israel, Pakistan, and India have not signed the NPT.
Perhaps somebody needs to shut wikipedia (or for that matter, their source, the US gov't) down.
From Wiki:
The United States is one of the five recognized nuclear powers under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ("NPT"). It maintains a current arsenal of around 9,960 intact warheads, of which 5,735 are considered active or operational, and of these only a certain number are deployed at any given time. These break down into 5,021 "strategic" warheads, 1,050 of which are deployed on land-based missile systems (all on Minuteman ICBMs), 1,955 on bombers (B-52 and B-2), and 2,016 on submarines (Ohio class), according to a 2006 report by the Natural Resources Defense Council.[14] Of 500 "tactical" "nonstrategic" weapons, around 100 are Tomahawk cruise missiles and 400 are B61 bombs. A few hundred of the B61 bombs are located at seven bases in six European NATO countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey and the United Kingdom), the only such weapons in forward deployment.[15][16]
Around 4,225 warheads have been removed from deployment but have remained stockpiled as a "responsible reserve force" on inactive status. Under the May 2002 Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions ("SORT"), the U.S. pledged to reduce its stockpile to 2,200 operationally deployed warheads by 2012, and in June 2004 the Department of Energy announced that "almost half" of these warheads would be retired or dismantlement by then.[17]
Post by Don K Hotay on May 27, 2008 20:56:47 GMT -5
The world needs more Jimmy Carters and a negative number of George Bush's and a negative infinity number of Dickless Cheney's. Bush and Cheney represent all that is wrong and backwards with the world. The certainly fill a need in a cold, cruel, barbaric world as the one in which we live but the hope is to have one where honesty and integrity are the pillars of character..........which is what Jimmy Carter is synonymous with.
Post by whiplash on May 28, 2008 6:04:13 GMT -5
Jimmy Carter is synonimous with "living in a dream world" and wreckless.
Don't you think that announcement will just serve to motivate Iran, and possibly others, to build a nuclear arsenal? Or maybe you think that would be a good thing.
Post by Gracchus on May 28, 2008 14:56:40 GMT -5
I think this had zero effect on their motivation to build nukes. I think they got that motivation and made that decision a long time ago.
But then again, so did we.