Post by SirPartyMan on May 9, 2004 23:03:40 GMT -5
Dear Fried and Friends:
You asked about our policy of suspended players playing Ladder games and promising to report "when they are unsuspended".
People who do this might never become unsuspended. We will certainly lengthen their suspension if we discover they are doing this.
What is the point of a suspension if this were permissable? Deferring the report is a travesty.
I would also advise others not to play Ladder Games with suspended players. I would consider any such game played potentially null and void. No one is obligated to report a loss in such a game. Hosts are responsible for verifying that the players in a game are ladder members in good standing.
Obviously, we can't stop suspended players from playing CIV (unofficially), but they absolutely cannot play in ladder games.
Someone made a comment about seeing Bonehed play -he is permanently banned from Ladder Play. Everyone should know this. If I see any ladder games played that he, or any other banned player, was a part of, I would penalize the host and warn every other player in the game. A second violation would be severely dealt with.
Please if anyone knows of this policy being violated in the recent past, or sometime in the present, or future, please email me.
Sincerely, SPM
Post by whiplash on May 9, 2004 23:44:48 GMT -5
In the past? Bonehed was on my CTL team. Before he was banned but after assessed 30 days in the box we were faced with a situation where we might not be able to play the match in time. He wanted to play and I didn't think it right that the CTL team should be hurt by this and I refered the matter to the opposing captain (nolan) who in turn consulted with Fried in the lobby. Fried responded that Bonehed should not play in the match.
Post by FriedrichPsitalon on May 10, 2004 3:44:00 GMT -5
In the past? Bonehed was on my CTL team. Before he was banned but after assessed 30 days in the box we were faced with a situation where we might not be able to play the match in time. He wanted to play and I didn't think it right that the CTL team should be hurt by this ....quote] No offense and this isn't directed to your team so much as to the problem in general - Your team should absolutely have been hurt by this (Bonehed's suspension. Our punishment system works largely on deprivation and consequence. It's not as though we can use pain or pain avoidance to make our rules stick. Your team's extreme inconvenience - and the resulting anger, hopefully at the actions of the suspended player - is one of the only ways we can get a punishment to have any effect around here. Between players playing "sympathy games" and the "don't hurt the team" attitude, it's no wonder no one fears the penalty box. If on the other hand your team were to auto-forfeit that match because Bonehed was in the box, and the blame was placed correctly - on Bonehed - and the team held HIM (and not the admins for enforcing the rules) responsible for his penalization and the effect on the team.... then, maybe then, we'd actually see people (at least those playing on teams) paying attention to the rules, instead of laughing publicly at the admins and saying how they didn't give a !%# anyhow. Please note I was using Bonehed in my example only because this is who was brought up; the ineffectiveness of "the box" and the attitudes surrounding it are far more prevalent elsewhere.
Post by whiplash on May 10, 2004 6:49:35 GMT -5
Please be assured there was no anger directed toward the admin(s).
Post by FriedrichPsitalon on May 10, 2004 6:51:16 GMT -5
Excellent. More of the same and heck, this place might even become civil some day....
Okay, maybe not THAT. ;D
Post by zerza on Jun 1, 2004 18:30:16 GMT -5
Boners banned? What happened?
Post by MasterDisaster on Jun 7, 2004 5:26:44 GMT -5
General question:How long does it averagly take until a non report goes through?
Post by Maxfin on Jun 7, 2004 8:44:31 GMT -5
Atm from week to week and half. It's debend a lot.
Post by a_night on Jun 7, 2004 13:05:44 GMT -5
Old subject, but worth reopening. Pursuing non-reports.
A similar argument to Fried's point about diminishing the effectiveness of the penalty box by not holding disdain for players who take actions which warrant their having been there was made some time ago regarding players who fail to pursue non reports against players who fail to report. (Longest sentence I have ever used that didn't require a comma.)
Speed readers: File non reports to keep people from not filing. Now there is some bite to filing. You can now move on to the next post.
I am guilty as they come for caring less about non reports. Love the game, like the stats, way more important things to me than an un-reported win.
I did the polite e-mail thing regularly for many months (a while back) and saw exactly what I expected. Players I knew reported quickly, and players I didn't rarely reported at all. I had felt at that time that it was a waste of my time and even the admin's to file, but was strongly advised otherwise; this thread again demonstrates the diligence our admin maintain for the good of the ladder. But still I admit I have never filed a non-report (I don't think?). What I have done on a few occassions is request the player report on subsequent meetings, and if that fails I have politely addressed a group forming a game to request a player report before we can launch. What is funny (or maybe not) is that the very few players who remain active in the ladder beyond a few weeks yet avoid reports are widely known if not widely discussed, and yet they remain ladder players. My personal conclusion is to pursue any known player for a report but not to bother with jo shmoo ---oops that one is taken----with newbie --no, that won't do----civ3player------ah shoot that was a Phoenix alias------well....with any player I don't expect to stay ladder anyway.
I believe the present actions aginst non-reporting players will justify the efforts of many of us and that Mo said it well, taking some liberty to express his point, we likely know who missed a report vs. who tried to duck it.
Post by MasterDisaster on Jun 10, 2004 12:31:07 GMT -5
Why does it take over a week until non reports get progressed? I mean usually it's crystal clear the player just don't want to report.I've filed some non reports last saturday or sunday from games I played like 3 days earlier and one of the opponents even wrote he shares his account with his brother but neither he nor his brother reported until today.No forced report either. Sorry I don't understand it. MD
Post by cmdishr on Jun 10, 2004 13:02:53 GMT -5
I know its not my place answer this question but anyway, lets remember something here, first of all the admins are donating their time for this. You say its clear cut, but I would think very few non-reports are clear cut and hearing both sides is always required. Do you assume there are only a handfull of these? I would guess the number of non-reports would surprise most of us. I have been in the lobby and have seen people complaining that they didnt get their report from a match an hour ago. So the fact it's on their free time, the number of non-reports filed and their attempt to get a fair decision, I believe getting a one week turn around is pretty damn amazing.
Post by MasterDisaster on Jun 10, 2004 13:16:03 GMT -5
There shouldn't be such a high number of non reports? People who don't report should get into the penalty box asap instead of the usual 'let's wait if he/she files a non report and if they don't I won't report' attitude. THAT's the reason we have so many nonreports.No risk not to report....
Other than that you are proly right that the way non reports are being handled now there might be dozens a day.From 10 wins I averagly get around 5 reports.Pretty lame.
Post by zerza on Jun 14, 2004 8:43:55 GMT -5
Again, you make no mention of doing the mature thing to do, and thats conferring with him privately. You've taken it straight to the forums, which is very immature and according to league rules is illegal. Your "witch hunt" is one of the fastest methods to the box there is,, trust me..
Post by cmdishr on Jun 14, 2004 13:05:17 GMT -5
Not sure where this post goes so Ill put it here. Is there anything in the rules about who to report to when a sub is involved. I always thought unless otherwise stated that the sub does not get reports. Of course yesterday I was in a team game, reported to the original player then today I get an email from the sub saying I was suppose to report to him....so which is it? Hell, I dont care Ill report to everyone if they want but it seems to be another instance of a gray area.
Post by whiplash on Jun 14, 2004 13:10:58 GMT -5
I think it's best if the dropping player in a team game reports the loss if his team loses; but the sub should get the reports if his team wins. That way there is incentive for a sub to join and he doesn't get penalized if the original player started badly.